MCE Editor Styles

How can I get the styles menu to populate with some custom styles?

pixelfish replied on at Permalink Reply
In sitewide settings in your dashboard change the text editor option to 'custom' and you will see this line:
theme_concrete_styles: "Note=ccm-note",

Change 'note' to the name of the style and change 'ccm-note' to the css style class name. If you want mulitple do like:

theme_concrete_styles: "styleone=styleone,styletwo=styletwo",

The only thing im not 100% sure about is where the css class style needs to be. either in typography.css or your main style sheet. Its been a while since i used this so cant remember. maybe some else could answer that part.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, it needs to be in a stylesheet called "typography.css".