Menu - Home Page - Templates SiteWide Issues - V Frustrated - Hmmmmm

Hi Guys,

I have setup my website and had some great input from Adrian,however, I have hit a problem, which I am bloody buggered if I can solved! I know its Shaun ERROR!

OK, my top level homepage, is not attached to the rest of the site. (It must be as its root?) But any changes to templates no longer have the option of setting site wide. (Apply to Child Pages) from the site map page.

I have created a new page type and tried making that the default, but it makes no difference, The only ones either new or old home page types work on seem to be new pages. I simply cannot get them to apply from root. BUT, nothing seems to work.

I know its me, have watched videos, combed forums, cannot find what is up!

Ant help would be SO appreciated, am feeling very despondent and lost at mo! Had got site just how I wanted and then obviously dis something to screw it up!

Man.... Cheers - Shaun

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Sulla replied on at Permalink Reply

Hia All,

Anyone, I am seeing from posts this seems to be a v common problem with new users of C5.

OK, do I need to delete everything and simply start again? I am getting very very fed up of keep changing individual pages because the theme/template has become somehow disconnected. I am finding if I apply a block site wide, I will often get the same thing twice on lots of pages. So lots of manual edits.

There MUST be a way of resetting everything, so its all linked again. I love the idea of C5, but this is proving to be a use killer. Its such a pain and NO ONE seems to want to reply!

It may be obvious to you all, but for newbies its very different to every single CMS I am used to. Usually, chance one theme template and its done, everywhere. Why when everything else about C5 is SO GOOD, is this so bloody hard and frustrating.

Even if its me being a dummy, or it can't be put right, anything would be welcome!

Maybe my evangelism was a bit premature!

Cheers, going to bang head on wall for a while!
