Mobile site, request desktop theme button
I have built a mobile theme for a website, however I need a button to request desktop site. I have researched but cannot find a way how to do this. Is this possible?
Many thanks in advance!
I have built a mobile theme for a website, however I need a button to request desktop site. I have researched but cannot find a way how to do this. Is this possible?
Many thanks in advance!
I believe that is what is now in the core as the mobile theme selection option.
Labber if I'm not mistaken, youd like, say, a link to switch between "mobile" and regular browser theme at command...
The only way I believe I've come up with to accomplish something like this would be to wire two different "displays" into your page type .php files. Separate classes, etc for both your mobile and regular themes.
the core mobile_detect library could default to whatever device it detects to begin. A little bit of code to work up a link that changes a variable is all that would be left then to force either view by having your page type file test for the variable.
Let me know if you have any luck!
I have not attempted this as of yet, but it's on my to-do list. I've thought it over multiple times and see no reason it wouldn't work, although, it's a lot of work for such a simple task :)
Labber if I'm not mistaken, youd like, say, a link to switch between "mobile" and regular browser theme at command...
The only way I believe I've come up with to accomplish something like this would be to wire two different "displays" into your page type .php files. Separate classes, etc for both your mobile and regular themes.
the core mobile_detect library could default to whatever device it detects to begin. A little bit of code to work up a link that changes a variable is all that would be left then to force either view by having your page type file test for the variable.
Let me know if you have any luck!
I have not attempted this as of yet, but it's on my to-do list. I've thought it over multiple times and see no reason it wouldn't work, although, it's a lot of work for such a simple task :)
Thanks very much for your answer. Although this seems like it would work, I wont be using it in this case due to time constraints. I would be interested to know if you did get it working if you do use this method! Thanks again
Hi, thanks for the response. I did take a look but it's not really going to solve my issue. Thank you anyway!
No worries!
Quick dirty solution, but have you considered just setting up a new 'desktop' site on another (sub)domain that uses the same database, and just then just hardcode a link between the 2 sites?
Quick dirty solution, but have you considered just setting up a new 'desktop' site on another (sub)domain that uses the same database, and just then just hardcode a link between the 2 sites?
I like your thinking! But can't really do it in this case :)
It looks like it should do the job.