Modifying default .. \dashboard\users\search.php

I want to alter the way it displays the user attruibutes to Admin when their editoring.

I want to group them and style them by their Attribute Set name.

I need to Modify This
Loader::element('attribute/editable_list', array(
                'attributes' => $attributes,
                'object' => $user,
                'saveAction' => $view->action('update_attribute', $user->getUserID()),
                'clearAction' => $view->action('clear_attribute', $user->getUserID()),
                'permissionsArguments' => array('attributes' => $allowedEditAttributes),
                'permissionsCallback' => function ($ak, $permissionsArguments) {
                    return is_array($permissionsArguments['attributes']) && in_array($ak->getAttributeKeyID(),  $permissionsArguments['attributes']);

using this type of thing to Sort it
$set = AttributeSet::getByHandle('corp_infromation');

Any advise or idea how thsi can be done.

Thanks Carl
