Modifying Search Functionality, Zend Lucene

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I am trying to alter the search functionality in a couple different ways. I have been working with the file root/concrete/libraries/indexed_search.php. That file uses the zend lucene library to search. While working with it I realized that concrete doesn't appear to use that file in any way; almost like it has been depreciated and should be removed.

Does anyone know what type of search the search block uses and if the file mentioned above is even used in concrete?

Thanks in advance!

agedman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I think it is using the Zend Lucene library. But I think you're right that indexed_search.php is no longer being used (it's been replaced by database_indexed_search.php.

this post may help:
ijessup replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Look at the PageList class. A lot of the filtering and searching is built into a PageList object.

Specifically speaking the filterByKeywords function.
WebStudioEast replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the replies. Based on the code below (line 74 or page_list.php), it looks like the zend lucene library id no longer being used. Maybe should be removed from Concrete?

It looks like we are doing a basic mysql search; unless I'm missing something:
$this->filter(false, "((match(psi.cName, psi.cDescription, psi.content) against ({$kw})) {$attribsStr})");
agedman replied on at Permalink Reply
@crush: I agree. Looking at that thread I posted above, I see that Andrew's post near the top was very old. Sorry for the confusion...
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct. Sorry for the confusion. We are keeping it around for some old sites that still rely on it being there - but it will probably disappear soon.

In our next version we're actually going to be simplifying the built-in search a lot. Currently it relies on mysql fulltext but that's still not perfect and causes lots of irritation until its tuned. So instead we're going to make search a lot "dumber" and give developers tools to extend it when they need to.
WebStudioEast replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks everybody! With your help I finally got it figured out!
ijessup replied on at Permalink Reply
Glad to hear it. Thanks for the choosing an answer! :)