Most effective way of implementing tables

Right now I am working on how to access my radio shows in an efficient and practical manner. I have created seperate pages for each year. Each year contains my shows in table format. Is this the best way to go? Reducing page load etc... or should I create one large table in a single document that contains every year of my show?

Also, would blocks play a role here? A seperate block for each year? I tried Wordpress for the past couple of weeks so I am looking for what is out there that will suit my needs. I tried using an iframe but I found that slowed down the page considerably. I don't mind hand coding this as I find I am learning a great deal.

In a seperate post it was suggested that I convert my pdf files (which displayed my weekly radio playlists), to html tables instead. This has been going very well and I find I now have more flexibility.

You will see the grid I set up on the home page.

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  table.tableizer-table {
      font-size: 10px;
      border: 2px solid #CCC; 
      font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
      table-layout: auto;
      width: 200px;
       text-align: center;
   .months {

ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Tables are fine, they just need some special CSS that make's them responsible.
Something like table max-width: 100% with a child container with overflow-x: scroll.
rmcellig replied on at Permalink Reply
rmcellig replied on at Permalink Reply
ob7dev replied on at Permalink Reply
Bootstraps responsive tables are an example.