Most popular pages?
Is it possible to generate a list of most popular pages in a default block?

that would be interesting based on number of pageviews, i would like that
I created a custom template for Page List block to do this and display it as a marquee.
You can customize the code and use it as you like.
You can customize the code and use it as you like.
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $limit = $num ? $num : 10; // number of pages, page list block $mrSql = "SELECT cv.cID, COUNT(*) Visits FROM CollectionVersions cv JOIN Pages p ON cv.cID = p.cID JOIN PageStatistics ps ON cv.cID = ps.cID WHERE cParentID = $cParentID AND cChildren = 0 GROUP BY ps.cID ORDER BY Visits DESC LIMIT $num"; Loader::model('page_list'); $db = Loader::db(); $pageList = $db->execute($mrSql); ?> <marquee height="10" direction="left" scrolldelay="5" scrollamount="2" onMouseOver='this.stop()' onMouseOut='this.start()'>
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