Moving a block after adding it scrolls page to bottom

Hi all,

I have this reported problem and my client get’s angry…:
Moving a block after adding it scrolls page to bottom

has anybody an idea how to fix this problem?


adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I tested with adding a block and moving it (without publishing between) but I can't replicate this. What version of c5?

Edit: Can it be browser specific?
finegermandesign replied on at Permalink Reply

Is there any css like position absolute or relative for the wrapping bock
I have to change. Or the same for the block div css?
Or is it the definition of the height?
I tried to fix this at this points without any effect.
adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I don't think there is any styles making this happen, and the more I think of it the more I think it might be a browser issue.

Have you tried in a different browser.

(I tested in as well).
finegermandesign replied on at Permalink Reply
O.K. I tried and you're right!
With Firefox it works, with webkit browsers it don't works in the right direction.

With this workaround I can go back to my client.