Moving to new host

Instead of moving our old webpage to a new host where I have been working on a concrete5 page we have decided to install it on our old host and move the CC5 page to it. I am a newb at concrete5 so I don't want to mess up my old website while I figure out how to finish my concrete5 project that I have been learning with (Flexcrete). Concrete5 is now installed as a subdomain of our existing website.

I have downloaded my root/themes/flexcrete folder but now I am not sure what to do next. I assume that I should upload that folder to the Concrete5 subdomain on my old host but what do I do about the license for flexcrete and various add-ons that I have downloaded and incorporated into my customized theme? Do I have to uninstall and release them all from my current cc5 hosts project and then redo everything after I get my project uploaded to our old host or is there some way I can move and reassign them to the project on our subdomain?

Responsive replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I think you are saying you want to just copy your flexcrete site (site A) on your new server to a subdomain (site B) on your old server?

if correct then why not just do following:
1.Clear cache on Site A
2.Export DB for Site A
3.Zip entire root dir on site A
4.create new DB on site B and import part 2 above.
5.Upload and unzip part 3 above to your subdomain dir site B
6.Update your config file details for site B so that passwords and DB details match.
7.go to new site B and login, clear cache and run jobs.

Always remember to backup all site files before doing anything. PM me if require any further help.
julieo00 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for replying to my post about moving my Flexcrete site to our current website server. I did clear my cache on Site A using the dashboard. I did not know that I also need to export my database. I'm so glad you told me.

When you say to zip the entire root dir on Site A do you mean the entire public_html/concrete directory?

Since Concrete5 was installed on my BlueHost (Site B) using Simple Scripts I understood that would create a database. I have never used a database on a website before - only simple html, some jscript, and simple style sheets. I don't understand what I am supposed to do when you say to update my config file details for Site B so that passwords and DB details match.