Multiple file selection
This is a great widget for selecting single files:
$al = Loader::helper(‘concrete/asset_library’);
$al->file($formElementID, $formName, $chooseText, $fileObject = null)
Is there a way to do this exact same thing but allow for multiple files to be selected?
$al = Loader::helper(‘concrete/asset_library’);
$al->file($formElementID, $formName, $chooseText, $fileObject = null)
Is there a way to do this exact same thing but allow for multiple files to be selected?
I think you'll need to look at how some of the other plugins handle multiple files. Many of them allow you to pick multiple file- the interface adds the last one selected to a list and lets you pick another. You only ever pick one file at a time in the file selection window though. Have a look at the way that the Slideshow block that comes with concrete5 handles this for an example.
In saying this, if you are selecting a group of files, are you potentially doing something that would be better handled by simply picking a set? Using the file manager, you already can upload multiple files in one go and add them to the same set right after the uploads have finished. Just a thought.