Multiple file upload for concrete5 slider block
I am facing an annoying problem and after many hours of research still didn't find any useful information regarding my problem so i hope someone can point me in the right direction.
My problem is that i cannot upload multiple files at once using the built in concrete5 slider plugin(screen attached). I have to add them one by one with the add slide button and point it to the next image in the file manager.
My question is that is there any way to make it work with multiple files so i can upload all the images at once not one by one?
I am facing an annoying problem and after many hours of research still didn't find any useful information regarding my problem so i hope someone can point me in the right direction.
My problem is that i cannot upload multiple files at once using the built in concrete5 slider plugin(screen attached). I have to add them one by one with the add slide button and point it to the next image in the file manager.
My question is that is there any way to make it work with multiple files so i can upload all the images at once not one by one?
Thanks for the quick reply! Will check it out!
Try using my 'Fileset' slider:
The Image Slider block that comes with concrete5 is not designed to handle multiple file selection. One of the reasons for this is that each slide is more than an image and contains other slide specific content.
There is multiple file selection code in concrete5. The following discussion covers this code and how to use it.