Multiple images within a slide
Hey all. I am trying to modify the stock image slider to allow each slide to have two images selected. Thought it would be pretty easy but I ran into a snag.
with this i get an error AFTER selecting an image from the file manager that says...
{"error":{"message":"The identifier fID is missing for a query of Concrete\\Core\\File\\File"},"errors":["The identifier fID is missing for a query of Concrete\\Core\\File\\File"]}
what am i missing? why is it referencing fID when I am trying to manipulate fID2?
Thank you in advance for any insight.
var attachFileManagerLaunch = function($obj) { ${ var oldLauncher = $(this); ConcreteFileManager.launchDialog(function (data) { ConcreteFileManager.getFileDetails(data.fID, function(r) { jQuery.fn.dialog.hideLoader(); var file = r.files[0]; oldLauncher.html(file.resultsThumbnailImg);'.image-fID').val(file.fID) }); }); }); } var attachFileManagerLaunch2 = function($obj) { ${ //alert('wooohoooo');
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with this i get an error AFTER selecting an image from the file manager that says...
{"error":{"message":"The identifier fID is missing for a query of Concrete\\Core\\File\\File"},"errors":["The identifier fID is missing for a query of Concrete\\Core\\File\\File"]}
what am i missing? why is it referencing fID when I am trying to manipulate fID2?
Thank you in advance for any insight.