Multiple menus


I am new to using concrete5 and in the process of designing a new site.

I don't know whether anyone can help

I want to have a home page that has 3 sections that lead off to a separate part of the website and when you are in that part of the website only have a menu that is associated with that section. Is this possible and how would I go about creating the menus?

Many thanks in advance for your help


planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
You can add autonav blocks, page list blocks among other things to add those menus.


Page List:

For each you can specific what menu level you want to appear.
bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can accomplish this with the Autonav block.

As an example, lets say you have a website with the following navigation structure:

- Home
- About Us
--- Our Values
--- Meet Our Staff

If you wanted the "About Us" page to have its own navigaton that only showed it's subpages, then on the About Us page you could add an autonav with the following options:
Display Pages: At the level below
Sub Pages to Display: Relevant sub pages (this could be whatever)
Sub-Page Levels: Display all (this could also be whatever)

By saying "Display pages at the level below" you are making it so that on the About Us page, this autonav will only display the pages "Our Values" and "Meet Our Staff".

You could do the same on any other page you wanted to have its own navigation.

I hope that helps!