Multiple videos

How can I have a "playlist" thumbnails that appear on a page and when clicked on open in a video player? My goal is to have on player on a page and have all of the videos play in that player.

JoeHiveCreative replied on at Permalink Reply
ProMedia can function in this way.

hqpmrkmd replied on at Permalink Reply
I bought and installed this but unless I'm missing something this doesn't do what I described. I only want one player on the page. The thumbnail video links would be in the side bar and when one is clicked I want it to open in the one player on the page. When I set up your player it loaded all the videos individually in their own player. Is this the full functionality of the player?
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
you can style ProMedia however you like. if you put the page in edit mode, you can change the custom template of the block to one of the "players". this a video on how to set it up as well.

here is a site using it:

you could easily add a file attribute for "thumbnail" and include that in the video list.
