My c5 settings [Mnkras]

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I figured I would post the settings that I change on my installs, as others might find it useful.

Most of these can be stuck in the /config/site.php

Let me know if these are useful for you :)

define('ENABLE_MARKETPLACE_SUPPORT', 0); //disables the MP (Optional)
define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS', ''); //from email for form submissions and such
define('EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_NAME', 'Some Guy'); //name displayed for the above email
define('ENABLE_AREA_LAYOUTS', false); //disable layouts (they are kinda buggy)
define('AL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION', 100); //make images display at 100% quality
define('AVATAR_NONE', '/path/to/image.gif'); //no avatar image
define('SESSION', 'MNKRAS'); //Change this so that if you logout on 1 site your not logged out on multiple
define('MENU_HELP_URL', ''); //the help button in the toolbar, only sometimes change this, see for example
define('FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL', EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS); //set the form block from email to the default from email

I do make some file modifications also, if anyone wants, i can post them.


triplei replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent, thanks for sharing. It's always helpful to see what other people are using for settings as well.

If anyone else is looking for what other items they can override, take a quick glance through concrete/config/base.php

as always, use at your own risk ;)
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
added one more

define('FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL', EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS); //set the form block from email to the default from email
kirkroberts replied on at Permalink Reply
Bring on the file mods! This is helpful stuff.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I really wish i could fork my own fork on github, that would make it soooo much easier
triplei replied on at Permalink Reply
There's always branches... may come in handy depending on what you're wanting to accomplish :)
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
hmm I was thinking of that, but im not sure if its gonna work, i have to read up more on it.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
yea, im working off the git build so its not going to be drop in for the current stable for c5, i can make the mods to the git version, but im not sure if that will help you guys,
triplei replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're looking for a helpful resource, the book on the progit site ( is quite comprehensive it what it covers.

I've been using git for a number of years now and been utilizing local branches and rebasing a fair bit more recently. Certainly comes in handy when you're working on multiple features for a project, or have some experimental code you want to keep sanctioned off in it's own little corner.
olliephillips replied on at Permalink Reply
Useful thanks!
developer99 replied on at Permalink Reply
I found I want to make my logins expire after user closes browser...

define('SESSION_MAX_LIFETIME', 7200); // 2 hours

.. set to ..

define('SESSION_MAX_LIFETIME', 0); // browser session

analog replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't forget...

define('PERMISSIONS_MODEL', 'advanced'); // enables advanced permissions mode.