Nav Help

I've got a problem that I can't figure out. I've got a Members section that I am not displaying on the main Nav bar as it it for Members only. The problem is, that the sub pages are displaying under other pages in the drop down links when Members are logged in. Any way to rectify this? I can't used the "Exclude from Nav" option because when the members are in the members Portal I need those pages to display in the auto nav section.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


jelthure replied on at Permalink Reply
bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, but those really didn't answer my question.

I'll try to explain more. Basically, wherever I put my Members Page (Excluded from Nav) in the Site Map, say after my Contact Page, the sub pages beneath it which are not excluded from Nav show up underneath the Contact Heading in the Nav Menu.

Granted this only happens when Members are logged in, but it still looks stupid for these sub pages to show up under a heading for which they aren't related.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
what is your site address and can you send a screenshot of your sitemap with all the subdirectories (if any) showing?

bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Website is

In order to see the problem, you'll have to log in.

User: test
Password: testing

Once you've logged in, you'll see that the sub pages below Members are showing underneath the Contact Nav.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Username and password are not working but………..

Your problem appears to be that the pages you want to display are children of the members page.

Fix: drag the pages you want available to the general public under your home page. this may help: also the one above it in the navigation tree on the right.

bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
No...I DON'T want them to display. They are NOT for the general public. They are displaying when a member is logged in under the Contact Nav Heading.

User and pass should be working now. They are actually children of a page called membersportal (not the Members page that comes with C5)
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Then you need to set the permissions of the page to members and deselect guests from seeing the page. This will be on a per-page basis.

bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
They are set that way. Only Members can see these pages.

I don't think you are getting the problem. The problem is, when a MEMBER signs in, these sub pages show up underneath a NAV HEADING that they don't belong to. I can't exclude them from nav because when you get inside the Members Portal, there is a Nav Menu for the Members.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply

Well your nav is a dropdown and is pulling page plus one, so try creating a folder under your member page and put all the member pages in there. Make that folder excluded from nav. That might work.

bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
But these Sub pages aren't even underneath the page that they are dropping down under.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Be that as it may (I've been waiting a long time to use that phrase), that is indeed where they are appearing. What Im giving you is a way to make them stop doing that.

bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Time consuming though, because I'd have to go through all my sub pages in my Members section and change all those auto-navs to pull from the new folder.

There's got to be some glitch that is causing this problem.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Try it with one page first.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Steve, this is a problem I run into all the time, and I have a free addon in the marketplace to address it:

(sorry for the double-posting, but I wanted to make sure you're aware of it as it might help you a lot in the future with your theme development)
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Jordan, that does look helpful. There are so many blocks in the marketplace now its hard to navigate.

bjwebdesign replied on at Permalink Reply
The Main Auto Nav Bar in this template is not editable, so the block won't work for me.