Need a developer to finish an ecommerce site started by someone who vanished
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I have a customer with a ecommerce site built with Concrete5 and what looks like coreecommerce from Concrete5 but not 100% sure. Most of the site cart functions work including the Paypal integration. But the orders table is not being updated after the order is place and there is no email sent to the admin notifying him that an order was placed. The only way the admin knows an order was even placed is by the paypal confirmation email he receives telling him he has money in his account.
We can no longer contact the developer and the company he was with has gone out of business.
Looking for someone who can fix these issues and be available for any future updates and requests. We don't want someone learning Concrete5 and needing a project to cut there teeth on.
References are required. I will pass the info on to the store owner.
We can no longer contact the developer and the company he was with has gone out of business.
Looking for someone who can fix these issues and be available for any future updates and requests. We don't want someone learning Concrete5 and needing a project to cut there teeth on.
References are required. I will pass the info on to the store owner.

PM sent.
This kind of problem happens when paypal can't send it's message back to the shop to tell it a transaction went through.
I once had the same issue with concrete5 and ecommerce - we'd simply forgotten we'd password protected the site during development (using an htaccess file), meaning paypal simply couldn't reach the site. Just an idea of something to check.
I once had the same issue with concrete5 and ecommerce - we'd simply forgotten we'd password protected the site during development (using an htaccess file), meaning paypal simply couldn't reach the site. Just an idea of something to check.
Thanks for that insight. Will verify if all Paypal info is correct.
Further to my pm. If you go to 'Dashboard' - 'Ecommerce' - 'Settings' - 'Email' and check the set up is okay.
The 'Email Settings' lets you choose who your emails come from. The "Receipts" email address and name is what your customer will see in their inbox after they buy from you.
The "Custom Receipt Message" area is where you put in your "thank you" message.
The "Notifications" email will send everyone in your "Send Notifications To" list an email that a customer has made a purchase.
It also sounds like a few other settings need to be looked at if the orders aren't being updated.
The 'Email Settings' lets you choose who your emails come from. The "Receipts" email address and name is what your customer will see in their inbox after they buy from you.
The "Custom Receipt Message" area is where you put in your "thank you" message.
The "Notifications" email will send everyone in your "Send Notifications To" list an email that a customer has made a purchase.
It also sounds like a few other settings need to be looked at if the orders aren't being updated.
I was able to resolve the immediate problem by fixing an email issue the customer was having. He is now getting order emails and the order table is getting updated.
I want to thank those that responded via PM's. The customer has your info and if something else should come up that is not easily fixable he will be contacting you.
I was able to resolve the immediate problem by fixing an email issue the customer was having. He is now getting order emails and the order table is getting updated.
I want to thank those that responded via PM's. The customer has your info and if something else should come up that is not easily fixable he will be contacting you.
Glad to hear it worked out. It's always nice when it turns out to be something simple.