Need help with GetThemeDirectory inside Block
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to create a small block for my website to let me specify a file listed under ELEMENTS folder from the Active theme.
A simple Listbox displaying all the file from that folder. Selection is returned to output into a include:
Here is my script from my form_setup_html.php
I can't get the ThemeDirectory path, it always return empty.
I'm trying to create a small block for my website to let me specify a file listed under ELEMENTS folder from the Active theme.
A simple Listbox displaying all the file from that folder. Selection is returned to output into a include:
<?php $this->inc('elements/[filename selected]'); ?>
Here is my script from my form_setup_html.php
<select name="php_includes_file" value=""> <?php $dirpath = $userview->getThemeDirectory(); $userview = View::getInstance(); if ($handle = opendir($dirpath.'/elements/')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { echo "<option value=\"\">".$file."</option>\n"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> </select>
I can't get the ThemeDirectory path, it always return empty.
$userview = View::getInstance();
flip those around. If you aren't omitting code you're calling a function on an empty object.
another one is $this->getThemePath(); i believe?
or $userview->getThemePath()?