Need MySQL help to compile custom contact spreadsheet templates
Disclaimer: I know nothing about MySQL :) OK... I have a site,, and it has multiple "user" types (Main Users, Companies, Facilities). The Company is the management company for the storage facilities and the Facilities all fall under a specific Company and that Company's permissions flow down to the Facilities. Easy enough... some Users are members at the company level who hold sort of super user access to company and related facility control/editing, and facilities have lower level users (facility managers) that have little to no editing capabilities but have membership benefits derived from their company. Each level has its own set of user data like name, email, address etc. All that said, I need to create either a job that runs and compiles this exportable database/spreadsheet regularly or some other way to compile pieces of each of these users into one spreadsheet. The reason being that a Company may have a corporate mailing address and they may have 15 Facilities associated to them, all with their own addresses that need to be mailed to as well. I need two spreadsheets basically. One that is made of specific Company fields only to be used for billing purposes and the other to include Companies and Facilities for general information purposes.
Thanks... but it's more complicated than that unfortunately. The end result is actually a combination of user data and page data. The users are just that, users, and the Company and Facilities are pages with common attributes between them. The list I am looking to compile will have basic user data and then addresses and from the Company and Facility pages. For example, a single user could have a management company that then manages 40 self storage facilities. All of these entities are interrelated and want to get mail from the association but only the main Company address gets billing mail for them all. The site it currently set up to associate a user with a company and then a facility if need be (usually managers are users under a facility yet they derive membership privileges from Company flow down). The list should indicate that etc.
I might of misunderstood but if your just looking for contact details
of members in excel format you can go to
there is export button bottom right
you can add columns depending on your your attributes and fliter list etc..
hope that helps or let me know if i got the wrong end of the stick .....