Need to create an easy product inventory/listing page for client... functions like kijiji...

Hi All

I've been looking through the add-ons and the only this I found that might help is the real estate one but I'm nit sure how difficult it'd be to modify the code.

My client wants to be able to add his motorcycles for sale in some what the same fashion as kijiji where he can enter the particulars/photos on in a form and then a new page is generated with the listing as well as added to the inventory page so the visitor can click on the bike and be taken to that bikes page... Right now the system I put together works for me but they're not quite getting it...

Any thoughts or add-ons I missed?


wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Steve,

Have you seen the ecommerce add-on?

Want to sell stuff on your concrete5 site?

Take a minute to look at the features & approach of our solution to the eCommerce problem. We've tried to create an elegant and flexible base platform for eCommerce sites, with everything you need and nothing you don't. If you're a developer, be sure to look at the roadmap of additional add-ons that you might jump on making. If you're just wanting to sit back and watch, Frz will explain how to create products, place them on a page, and group them in new ways.