Need to find out if a stack has a block added to it

My theme has 2 global stacks in the header. However, I only want the one that has a block associated with it to show (I am creating a theme).

The stacks are site name and site logo

If the user puts in a block to site logo (an image) then I only want to display the logo, if they don't add a block, don't show it.

My problem is that I am not sure what to check to see if a stack has a block added to it.

Any ideas?

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
you could always comment out or remove one of the areas in the theme/pagetype.php file. for instance:

// <?php  
// $a = new GlobalArea('site_logo');
// $a->display();
// ?>

you would need to modify all page types for consistency.
globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply
I am building a theme and want to make it an option. however I don't know what variables to check.
enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
this may or may not lead you in the right direction...