Need to separate each item in Ecommerce Receipt
How can I make sure that every items ( ie: name, address, product#1, product#2, etc) are all separated onto their own lines. Right now, the generic receipt crams it all together and it is hard to decipher the information.
Eaxample (I've hidden personal details... so that is not an error):
Order #: 000188
Total: $235.00
Payment Method: Authorize.Net - SIM
Product #1: 2014 - AZSA Trade Show Member (Early Bird Pricing) (Additional AZSA Member Tickets: 1,Opening Night Reception at Golf Course: ,Member Name: Karen ...s,Facility/Company Name: A-.... Storage,Select Type of Attendee for Main Contact: Manager,Main Contact Email (Internal Use ONLY):,Company Address: 6... North ... Avenue c/o A Sav-On Mini Storage offi,Company Phone: 623......,Additional Attendees (Please indicate Owner/Operator, Manager, Vendor, or Speaker/Sponsor for each): Walter Elms, Assistant Manager,Additional Attendee Emails: @ $235.00
The above product is located here on our website and has some additional "options" with some required fields and others that do NOT have to be filled out. It seems to include the additional option fields, regardless of whether they have selected to purchase the additional option, in the receipt and it all runs together.
In a perfect world, this is how I'd like it to look:
Order #: 000188
Total: $235.00
Payment Method: Authorize.Net - SIM
Product #1: 2014 - AZSA Trade Show Member (Early Bird Pricing)
(Additional AZSA Member Tickets: 1
Opening Night Reception at Golf Course:
Member Name: Karen E..s
Facility/Company Name: A-.... Storage
Select Type of Attendee for Main Contact: Manager
Main Contact Email (Internal Use ONLY):
Company Address: 6129 North 59th Avenue c/o A Sav-On Mini Storage offi
Company Phone: 623......
Additional Attendees (Please indicate Owner/Operator, Manager, Vendor, or Speaker/Sponsor for each): Walter Elms
Assistant Manager
Additional Attendee Emails: @ $235.00
Eaxample (I've hidden personal details... so that is not an error):
Order #: 000188
Total: $235.00
Payment Method: Authorize.Net - SIM
Product #1: 2014 - AZSA Trade Show Member (Early Bird Pricing) (Additional AZSA Member Tickets: 1,Opening Night Reception at Golf Course: ,Member Name: Karen ...s,Facility/Company Name: A-.... Storage,Select Type of Attendee for Main Contact: Manager,Main Contact Email (Internal Use ONLY):,Company Address: 6... North ... Avenue c/o A Sav-On Mini Storage offi,Company Phone: 623......,Additional Attendees (Please indicate Owner/Operator, Manager, Vendor, or Speaker/Sponsor for each): Walter Elms, Assistant Manager,Additional Attendee Emails: @ $235.00
The above product is located here on our website and has some additional "options" with some required fields and others that do NOT have to be filled out. It seems to include the additional option fields, regardless of whether they have selected to purchase the additional option, in the receipt and it all runs together.
In a perfect world, this is how I'd like it to look:
Order #: 000188
Total: $235.00
Payment Method: Authorize.Net - SIM
Product #1: 2014 - AZSA Trade Show Member (Early Bird Pricing)
(Additional AZSA Member Tickets: 1
Opening Night Reception at Golf Course:
Member Name: Karen E..s
Facility/Company Name: A-.... Storage
Select Type of Attendee for Main Contact: Manager
Main Contact Email (Internal Use ONLY):
Company Address: 6129 North 59th Avenue c/o A Sav-On Mini Storage offi
Company Phone: 623......
Additional Attendees (Please indicate Owner/Operator, Manager, Vendor, or Speaker/Sponsor for each): Walter Elms
Assistant Manager
Additional Attendee Emails: @ $235.00
Thanks... But I know where the files are, just not how to modify them to separate each field or attribute on their own lines. It looks like each attribute is separated by a comma, I want to separate it by a line break so it all doesn't run together. I have a bunch of additional items they can purchase on some products and even when they don't select anything they display in the receipt, just with a blank next to the particular item. It's confusing our admin assistant because it looks like they purchased the addon because its on the receipt, just blank, and run together with everything else instead of separated. Make sense?
Thanks mnakalay... it works with one hitch though. If the end user's email is NOT set to display HTML emails, it still groups it all together. However, if it is set to display HTML email, it separates by line perfectly now. I have advised her to make sure her email client is set to display HTML emails unless there is something else that can be added to account for non-HTML email display.
Thank you for your help... this was exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you for your help... this was exactly what I was looking for.
Another potential problem you have to be aware of is that HTML emails have a greater chance to be treated as spam than plain text ones.
Not so much an issue here because it is really internal use I am concerned with and none of us have any issue getting the emails. I just have a very difficult admin assistant who does not even attempt to work with many of the quirks and expects perfection. So judging by your response, line separation is only achievable through HTML output?
ok so try this and see if it works with plain text emails
$body .= " (" . implode("\r\n", $keyValues) . ")";
Hmmmm... doesn't seem to have made any difference. When I view the email through my webmail login I see it separated out as well as when it is viewed on a mobile device. However, and this may be a setting that is eluding me, but in Outlook 2010 it is not. All other emails appear to be the HTML version. I am thinking that it is an Outlook issue as she uses a Mac and says it is divided up by line breaks on her end now and that was really the only goal. Thank you so much for the help!
you're welcome
If you mean the receipt buyers get by email, you need to look in your core commerce folder, inside the mail folder. The 2 files you will see there are responsible for the content of each email.