Needing help running a parallax jquery - stellar.js


I'm new to running jquery on sites - can someone tell me where to put the call to load the parallax script 'jquery.stellar.js' and is there anything else I need to do to make it run on my site?
I'm trying to get a simple parallax effect on a few feint background images - nothing fancy - but can't get anything to move. The first step, as I see it, is to be confident that the js is being loaded with the page.

This is the code I'm using, having placed the file in 'themes/[my theme]/js/':

<script src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath();?>/js/stellar.js"></script>

I've tried placing it in various places, but can't get my background element to parallax scroll. This could well be because I'm missing something else, but as a start if one of you could give me the confidence that the js is loading by the code being in the right place, I can work on the rest.

Also, is there a way of telling whether a jquery script is being run on a page to see if I'm a least successful in that part - firefox developer tool or something?

Sorry - this is out of my depth, but I'm desperately trying to doggy-paddle!

