Nested Blocks

I know the latest version of C5 supports the creation of an Area Layout (choosing columns, widths, etc), but I need to create the equivalent of this that is fully under the control of the code, not the user.

This is because:
a) the HTML is to be semantically very clean and use section, article, hgroup, etc to wrap mutiple blocks, and it uses floated elements for columns within the wrapped parent
b) the users of the CMS are NOT to mess with the pre-determined layout as the company has paid a lot of money to have a nice web site designed and they are adamant that users should only be able to add content within the design boundaries (this is something I think C5 should concentrate more on, than getting more free-form, but I digress...)

So, is there a way, perhaps, of programmatically calling the same behaviour that Area Layout does, but managing the HTML generated? This would allow me to add the necessary semantic mark up, create the correct structure for the clean columns, and still allow columnar / nested block editing by authors.



mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I've not seen any coding tricks with the area layouts, but from what you have described, it sounds like you just need to create some extra page types. I'd create something like 'Page (1 col)', 'Page (2 cols)'. Then you've got full control over the layout/html and it's just a matter of putting in your extra editable area.

I agree with your view of limiting design freedom on the site - even having columns of different sizes across different pages could seriously detract from a design in my opinion.
GavMurphy replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply, but the site is highly modular and hard-coding areas / blocks won't work easily. It also uses responsive design on the CSS side of things, so it's pretty important that it stays clean and modular.

I'll keep chipping away.

I really like C5, but little things like this prevent me from using it more often as most of my clients favour structure / rules over design/font/WYSIWYG site editor over-rides of themes, designs, html, etc.

Saying that, I know it's not easy doing nested content types as I ran a web dev company that built it's own CMS some years ago and when we moved to a nested content section set up things got mighty complicated...