New blank page opening when closing lightbox

Hopefully there is a quick fix for this. I have a gallery with a lightbox installed and when you close the enlarged image of the lightbox it opens up a new tab with a blank page instead of just closing and being in the page where the gallery is. I have asked the developer of the gallery and they said it is probably due to the theme I'm using (first time I've used a third party theme). I have contacted the theme developer but haven't had a response yet. I have used the gallery before with my own theme and it's been fine. Could someone point me in the right direction as to what needs to be changed in what file?


Ferdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Anete,

do you have the url? so I can look in to it.
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ferdi,

Thanks for your reply. Sorry I should have included the it is

Kind regards
anete replied on at Permalink Reply
Can anyone shine a light on this please? I think it's probably a js conflict, but not experienced enough with js to fiddle.
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply
Line 58 of functions.js

The Fancybox close button is being treated as external based on the conditions just above it.

You also have a double ;; after return false.