New Permissions on new build DONT WORK RIGHT???

Hi People

I had just got my head around the long complicated way of doing concrete permissions??

NOW this new build and your new gui system IS SH** With NO DOCUMENTATION and a confusing layout.

Then to boot it does not work???

I had started building a forum site restricted to only reg users can view.

NOW after activating advanced permissions and started to restrict pages, WHICH for a start DO NOT EFFECT the Forum Stuff so you cant restrict who can post where???

It also now get lots of errors on GlobalARrea permissions? With 2 blocks on my template the banner and nav using
new GlobalArea

Which are now no longer viewable by guest users only when u sign in do they appear?

If I try to change the blocks permissions i get errors even tho the permissions set are already correct?

WHAT a pain in the *** I though i new how the permission system worked when i toke on this job but now I can'T


Sorry about my rant.... But spent a day trying to figure out the new system with no HELP

Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
There is documentation on how advanced permissions work here

Just scroll down a bit. Take note that it does have a warning stating that it is not recommended that you turn them off after turning them on.

To set your forum to be read by members only click on the forum page through the sitemap, click permissions, click set manually and take read permissions and other relevant perms away from guests. Make sure you have selected that sub-pages will inherit their permissions from the parent (forum page) and your requirement for the forum will be met.

You will need to add perms to your global areas allowing guests read permissions to solve your issues there and all is outlined in the documentation.
carl101lee replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Their

Yes I read this page but this does not document the new build 5.6.0 with its new system!

I set the page permissions just as you said already having tried this 1st? As this was the way i expected it to work.

I tried setting the globalarea permissions on the blocks but i get a fatal error every time i try and save?

Now I Believe my issue with the forum block is it has a button to add new discussion which puts a new sub page in, even if the permissions don't allow for the users, but i guess this is a block problem?

Thanks anyways