newbie - need building advice

First off I want to say that I am VERY impressed by the support here. I have used so many different CMS systems and most forums are really weak. You guys have been great. So thanks!

My question. So as mentioned in my previous post, we custom create all of our sites/ We don't like using templates. How do you guys work this? Do you have your html page then make a copy and add the php stuff but always keep the html file to work on?

Also we have a custom menu bar. how do you handle this?

I included a few grabs of our design. What would you guys suggest on how to break this up and what area are blocks and what blocks to us?
(by the way I just started working on C5 this morning. And I did see the videos on working with C5 and the different site examples. ) But I would love advice how to work with it from the html perspective. Its a little confusing, but I'll get it

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wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Heres a few tutorials to help get you started-

How to "concrete-ize" a basic HTML theme in 8 minutes-

Concrete5 Themes and pages-

Concrete5 – Create your own theme-