newbie needed help

Hi All,

I am attempting to modify the image gallery (
Galleria Image Gallery) so that it function like the html on this page -

I have spent the past 3 hours attempting to modify view.php but so far no luck.

I would prefer to use the imagesets(grouping the images into sets) approach and display the set by date created.

Any pointers as to where to start will be very much appreciated.

Many Thanks,

mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
I suggest you try a different gallery that has the full screen overlay already built in.
iamxtian replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I will take a look and let you know how I got on.
iamxtian replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, better late than never. Just to say I was able to tweak view.php and got it to render the images as I wanted.

Thanks for your help.