No addon updates available... LIES!

Having just updated (over 12 hours ago, yesterday evening) one of my addons to V0.9.7 I know a new ver is available however a site of mine which claims it's connected to the community in the dash, claims there's no updates for the plugin which on the site is actually at V0.9.3

How to correct?

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
It could be an issue with the add-on... but you neglected to mention which one it is.
You could manually overwrite an add-on to the most current be using FTP to upload the new version to your "Packages" folder in your server installation
surefyre replied on at Permalink Reply
It's the Indexer plugin, site addon ver is 0.9.3, market ver is 0.9.7 which
is several revisions later.

Also I notice on that site when I search dashboard get addons for 'indexer'
it only returned one result (no the indexer plugin) whereas another C5 site
correctly returns indexer plus some other close matches.

Beginning to think it has some internally cached idea of the world that
doesn't correspond to reality, though clear cache didn't fix that - didn't
really expect it to.

I think I may have installed indexer originally by unzipping it to the
packages directory on the server, would this 'disconnect' it from the
marketplace? Have since allocated myself 50 licenses for indexer and
assigned one to that site (I could see that might upset it, to be
unlicensed!), too with no improvement (yet, don't know how 'realtime' these
changes are in reality).


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- Fonovation Limited <> - Surefyre

On 8 May 2013 13:58, concrete5 Community <>wrote:
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The difference in searches for addons is usually because:
- dashboard search does not list anything already installed.
- dashboard search only lists beginner and intermediate addons.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
You only get updates for licensed copies, so should check that the addon license is assigned to the site.
surefyre replied on at Permalink Reply
Cheers, John, that occurred to me earlier so I assigned one to it :o)

Dunno how often the update check is performed though, so leaving it for a
bit while I do some other bits, will check it again soon


On 8 May 2013 14:07, concrete5 Community <>wrote:
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Just a thought surefyre,
Although I don't use that add-on, I've noticed in the past that others (currently bouncebox, previously internationalization) would upgrade successfully but still show old version #. (never bothered me enough to search out why (: )