Single Pages - No file found to render template with handle "unknown template"
After updating a local Docker container from 8.5.2 to 8.5.4, trying to access my single pages leads to the error above. Anyone have any ideas?

Did you have your single page files set up in the concrete5 core directory and they got blown away by the docker update?
No, they were installed by a custom package. So they should exist in packages/{package_name}/single_pages/single_page.php
They do not exist in the core directory.
They do not exist in the core directory.
I see - one other thing is you can check the DB in the Pages table and see if the single page has the pkgID correctly associated with it. Or that the package itself is still installed.
Did you ever solve this problem ? I'm running into the same one, except when just trying to create a single page.
Here's some additional info from when I ran across this via package page types, with commentary from andrew...
Edit: I haven't tested against 8.5.5 yet...
Edit: I haven't tested against 8.5.5 yet...