No Images With SSL

I just installed SSL on my site and now all of the images have disappeared! I have searched the forums for a solution, but thus far haven't found an answer. Here are the links for anyone who wants to test it and see what I mean:


You'll notice when using the SSL link that my logo image on the header disappears, as does the slideshow in the right sidebar. As well, if you click on the missing slideshow, you'll get a 403 (Forbidden) error message.

I'm sure the answer to this is so simple I'll smack my head once someone lets me know what it is. However, at the moment I'm stumped! (SIGH!)

Thanks for any help offered! And, Merry Christmas (Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or Happy Whatever) to all!



barco57 replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you on a server with cPanel?
If you are what are the settings on the Hotlink Protection page?
chrison999 replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, DUH!!!

All of the entries in Hotlink Protection in CPanel were "http://" so when I added "https://" entries it fixed the problem.

THANKS! I would have *never* found that on my own!

Merry Christmas!


barco57 replied on at Permalink Reply
That's what I figured was wrong. I see that one all of the time.