Non U.S. date format
Can anyone please tell me how I can set my sites date format to not be mm/dd/yyyy. I want it to be dd/mm/yyyy. Throughout my whole site both backend and frontend.
i'm not a web coder (yet) so before I go playing around with settings and config files i need to know will this stop ALL U.S. dates been shows on the backend.
Yes, it will translate all available text and time/date's on the backend
But you can always switch it back
And, you can also let the user choose it's language at login:
Or even set the language for every user differently:
But you can always switch it back
And, you can also let the user choose it's language at login:
Or even set the language for every user differently:
you can find it in the dashboard/system/basics/multilingual
In addition, you might also need to set the timezone:
Programmers, take a look at the date helper:
use Core;
$date = Core::make('date');
$formattedDate = date->formatPrettyDateTime($value, $longDate = false, $withSeconds = false, $timezone = 'user')
There are more functions in 'date'that can be usefull like formatCustom() and formatDateTime()