Nothing displays when truncating getCollectionDescription in page_list block

Hi There,

We're having an issue where a page doesn't display if we try to truncate the page description in a page list block - we're using Jordan's templates.

At the top of the foreach loop we have this:
$description = $page->getCollectionDescription(); // get page description
if ($controller->truncateSummaries) {
  $description = $th->shortenTextWord($description, $controller->truncateChars); // truncate if using concrete5.4.2.2 or higher
$description = $th->entities($description); // output truncated description

Then we're outputting it using this:
<?php // output description if one has been set
  if ($description) { ?>
    <p><?php echo $description ?></p>
  <? }  

If we comment out the above the page/results shows but if left in nothing displays (just a blank html page).

It displays fine on our DEV server, just not locally in MAMP - have upgraded MAMP but still no luck. If I downgrade php to 5.3 in MAMP it works. But anything in php 5.4 doesn't.

Can anyone see what we're doing wrong?

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.



cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
Still scratching my head on this - does anyone know why this might not work on certain installs?

Is there a way to output php errors or trace what might be going on with this block template?
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
So have been commenting stuff out in an attempt to find the root cause and if I comment out this from the same page_list template:
$img = $page->getAttribute('main_image'); // handle of image attribute
if ($img) { // if image is set, output
  $thumb = $ih->getThumbnail($img, 220, 9999); // ($img, width, height, TRUE)
} // using 9999 effectively means 'no maximum size' | TRUE = crop instead of resize

And comment back in my description:
$pageDescription = $page->getCollectionDescription(); // get page description
if ($controller->truncateSummaries) {
  $description = $th->shortenTextWord($description, $controller->truncateChars); // truncate if using concrete5.4.2.2 or higher
$description = $th->entities($description); // output truncated description

Then the page loads but I see the following error:
Warning: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /Users/username/Sites/site-name/concrete/core/helpers/text.php on line 142 - See more at: http://site-name/news-and-updates/#sthash.OIFa88DL.dpuf

Am I doing something wrong with the way I'm truncating the text?
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
So if I hard code the truncation like this:
$description = $page->getCollectionDescription(); // get page description
$description = $th->shortenTextWord($description, 300); // truncate description - amount of characters to show, concrete5.4.2.2 or higher

The description works, but if I comment in the image thumb code:
$img = $page->getAttribute('main_image'); // handle of image attribute
if ($img) { // if image is set, output
  $thumb = $ih->getThumbnail($img, 220, 9999); // ($img, width, height, TRUE)
} // using 9999 effectively means 'no maximum size' | TRUE = crop instead of resize

Then the page doesn't display again.
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, after lots of testing, I've tracked this down to an image attribute we have:

If we create a new attribute (test_image), apply it to the first news story, then alter the page_list template to pull it, everything works.

Is it possible for an image attribute to become corrupt somehow?
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
We don't full understand how cache works but just incase it was a corrupt cache file from generating the thumb, we deleted all files in the cache directory and tried to use main_image again.

No joy