Odd db.xml error when udating an addon

Getting this:

'Error: Block Type cannot be installed due to an unknown database error. Please check that the db.xml file for this block type is formatted correctly.'

The thing is, the xb.xml file for this addon (my Indexer addon) hasn't changed in around 5 versions and is pretty basic stuff. The db.xml file even diffs as the same against the C5 DB XML export for the tables concerned. Tried to find an adodb validator but no luck, W3C validates the XML as well-formed.

db.xml is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<schema version="0.3">
  <table name="btSurefyreIndexer">
    <field name="bID" type="I" size="10">
    <field name="class" type="C" size="255">
    <field name="selectors" type="C" size="255">
    <field name="list_id" type="I" size="11">

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The version of ADODB c5 uses was upgraded with 5.6, so maybe that is how the complaints arise now, though with a quick look I cant tell you where or why.
surefyre replied on at Permalink Reply
Cheers JohnTheFish I did wonder if that were something that had happened.

Perhaps everything now needs a different schema version or something :o/

Maybe I'll download a super-recent free addon and check its db.xml


Linked In <http://uk.linkedin.com/in/guyeastwood> - G+<http://plusya.com/guy>
- Fonovation Limited <http://www.fonovation.com> - Surefyre

On 9 May 2013 19:19, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com>wrote:
jeramy replied on at Permalink Reply
Any luck on a solution here? I'm having the same issue. This happens on an upgrade on an add-on. The database gets updated correctly (if there were changes in the db.xml), but this error still gets displayed.
jeramy replied on at Permalink Reply
I think this may fix it:
change this line -
<field name="bID" type="I" size="10">

<field name="bID" type="I">
surefyre replied on at Permalink Reply
Cheers, Jeramy, I'll give that a try.

Weird, though, as I get the XML from the dashboard export function itself - maybe the export is exporting a wrong XML version of the schema or something!