On the fly image optimization
Just posting this for posterity and also so I can find it later. Hope it might be helpful to some. I was having a problem with high quality banner images being too large even on mobile devices with limited bandwidth. I decided to find a way to reduce the size based on the screen width. Part of the problem is that there is really no way to do this server side. So I looked around some and with the combination of the following code, I've dropped page sizes by 28% while still maintaining sufficient view quality. At some point I'll have to account for ppi calculations. Anyways here it goes:
At your html head place the following code:
Now we have access to the screen width via $_GET['w'] and the rest is just a little math.
Overall, I would say its not pretty. But its fast and it gets results. But, being very new to all this. If anyone has a faster way that doesn't involve making custom css for every possible @media query and actually renders imagesizes smaller, please let me know or add here.
At your html head place the following code:
Now we have access to the screen width via $_GET['w'] and the rest is just a little math.
$ih = Loader::helper('image'); $thumbnail = $c->getAttribute('main_image'); //assuming you have a thumbnail image but any $image from $filelist = new FileList() will do if ($thumbnail) { $oldHeight = $thumbnail->getAttribute('height'); $oldWidth = $thumbnail->getAttribute('width'); if (isset($_GET['w'])) { $newWidth = $_GET['w']; $newHeight = $oldHeight/$oldWidth*$_GET['w']; //our code to resize by aspect ratio based on width. } else { $newWidth = $oldWidth; $newHeight = $oldHeight; } $thumbnail = $ih->getThumbnail($thumbnail, $newWidth, $newHeight, true); $thumbnail = $thumbnail->src; $html = '<img class="imageOverflow" alt="" src="' . $thumbnail . '"/>'; //our view
Viewing 15 lines of 17 lines. View entire code block.
Overall, I would say its not pretty. But its fast and it gets results. But, being very new to all this. If anyone has a faster way that doesn't involve making custom css for every possible @media query and actually renders imagesizes smaller, please let me know or add here.