One text attribute works, and the other does not. Included code. Can't figure it out. :-(

I am using a simple code to check for a text page attribute from inside the autonav block view, and then output it.
Here is the code:

$getCustomClass = $_c->getCollectionAttributeValue('boom_customclass');
        if ($getCustomClass) {
            $customClass = ' class="' . $getCustomClass . '" ';
        } else {
            $customClass = '';

I created text attribute with handle 'boom_customclass' and name 'BOOM! Custom Class', and add it to a page that is in my nav tree.

I attempt to output the variable by using something like
echo ('<li' . $customClass . '>');

I can't get anything to output this way.
If I change the code to check for another attribute that was installed by a third party block, it works fine. For instance instead of 'boom_customclass' I can put in 'megamenu_accesskey' which is also a text attribute, add it to a page same as before, and my code will output fine, just as intended.

Is there something I am missing with regard to custom attributes?

Many thanks.

PS: $_c is in the main autonav loop. It is the current iteration's collection object.

boomgraphics replied on at Permalink Reply
OMG I figured it out. I had one letter out of place, and I was letting my browser textfield autocomplete fill in the blanks with a typo in it. I feel so stupid! :-)