Only the homepage link works in my auto-nav - please help

Hi everyone,
I'm new to C5 and having some issues with the Auto Nav feature. I am able to access all the pages through the site map but on my main navigation which is an auto nav, only the homepage link works. The others all go to page not found, even though the URLs are correct.

I recently took my site out of maintenance mode (which was the add on). Could this have affected it some way? I am using my own custom templates. The wesbite can be found here

Please help, as I'm really stuck and a total newbie! thanks

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
I can navigate to

so it's likely a pretty url's issue.

try disabling pretty url's and re-enabling it, or turn it on if it's not already on...
niallmckenna replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you enlil, you were correct, I had set up pretty URLS and it was working before I set it to maintenance mode. I turned it off and the auto nav works but the urls aren't pretty. If i turn the pretty urls setting back on it breaks the auto nav. is there a way around this?

enlil replied on at Permalink Reply
hmmm, thats weird. I'm not sure off hand...

be sure to clear all your caches, and maybe even try removing the autonav and setting it back up again?!
ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Reply
Well if you don't have any hand written .htaccess rules, then simply disable the pretty url, delete the .htaccess file from ROOT, clear your cache and then re-enable the pretty URL. Hope it will solve the issue. If the problem still persists, then simply delete the autonav and recreate a fresh one.
