output html 4.01?

Hello all,

I thought I'd ask before looking too far into the code - might save myself a lot of time!

Is there a built-in method (or a "best" place to start) to get concrete5 to output html 4.01 instead of xhtml?


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no way to change all of the output of C5 with just one switch -- there are so many pieces of html all over the place. If this is critical to your situation, you could make sure you're coding your theme templates as XHTML and put the XHTML doctype at the top of the page template ("page type" in C5-speak), then if you notice any blocks that are outputting non-XHTML code, you can create a custom template for them that does output XHTML code. This may or may not be a lot of work depending on how many different kinds of blocks you need (and if they're valid XHTML already or not).

Hope that helps!

traq replied on at Permalink Reply
I was afraid that might be the answer. And no, it's not "really" important, just my preference.
