Overhead cost of advanced permissions

I was wondering if anyone has any useful insights on the additional overheads costs (if any) that running a site with advanced permissions vs. basic permissions.



jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to clarify, costs as in performance hits?

- Josh
beebs93 replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct, as in any performance hit (if at all).
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
I guess it would depend on how much you implemented them. Say you have a user area, that has all kinds of roles, flags, groups, etc.. it may then, but also like you know, if it's not going to be massively hit it's probably negligible.

But now you've got me curious, I've got to vanilla C5's installed, I'll turn Advanced Permissions on one, and do some load testing.

- Josh
beebs93 replied on at Permalink Reply
Much appreciated :D

So far, it looks like I'd only be utilizing default permissions for page types/templates, but I'm curious if just having them enabled will result in a hit (regardless of implementation or not).
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmmm.. will check for that too. Turning them on, may create new tables/columns in the db; ... dig into the code a bit and see.

- Josh
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I ran the load tests, and their was a difference in speed, but it didn't become a "problem" until the load got ridiculous. And this was just on my local quad-core box, on a properly configured web server, etc.. it would be better.

Like 15j said, I wouldn't turn it on until you think you absolutely need it.

- Josh
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
dot sure about directly, but indirectly it can cause some code issues, either causing code to execute slow, or to fix it requiring lots of code. just something to think about.
beebs93 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the insight, guys :)