overlaying divs

Hey together,

i've a little problem... I'm building a design with many layers. Some layer overlapping but i found no way to select the box behind for editing.

Could someone help me?

Thanks a lot...


sabumnimdk replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi naggison

It might be easier if you showed us either som code or a www URL where the problem is present...

However since I do not know how you did in your html code, but merely guessing, here is an example

/*this is CSS code for a div called yourdiv*/
#yourdiv {
      width: 600px;
      height: 800px;
      position: relative;
      z-index: 1;
/*this is a div inside the first div*/
#innerdiv {
       width: 250px;
       height: 300px;
       position: absolute;
       top: 10px;
       left: 100px;
       background: silver;

And the html here:

<div id="yourdiv">
    <div id="innerdiv">
Nam eleifend, turpis non condimentum sollicitudin, justo lectus accumsan nisl, et sagittis odio elit mollis arcu. Aenean elementum eleifend tortor, eu placerat lorem volutpat ac. Ante sit amet lectus. Suspendisse turpis neque, placerat eget vehicula sit amet.
    <div id="nextdiv">
Integer ac eros nec tortor rhoncus convallis eu vel leo. Proin non nisi orci, sit amet rutrum turpis. Vivamus ornare, dui non pulvinar elementum, tellus massa dignissim dolor, eu tincidunt sem ante sit amet lectus. Suspendisse turpis neque, placerat eget vehicula sit amet,
