Overriding core_search in app.php

I can override core_search in concrete/config/app.php when I return the new value in application/config/app.php. However, when I changed the value from c5's provider to elastic search, the website crashes because it can't find main.css anymore? Has anyone else had this problem? How did you solve it?

Justin1978 replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds like there's something else going on rather than CSS missing. What value did you put in the place of 'core_search'? It should be a class extending Concrete\Core\Foundation\Service\Provider. and it should register the same bindings done in that class as well otherwise your application will crash. These errors occur uring application bootstrap at which point the error handler or other classes might not have been registered yet . This can produce very vague errors or just a white screen as a result. That might explain your main.css problem.