Overriding elements
I need to remove the "Statistics" section of my dashboard main page or replace it with a Google Analytics widget, how would I go about doing this, I know it involved duplicating over a template into the elements folder but I don't know which PHP file controls them all.
Are you trying to do this from a package install method you are developing, or just trying to override via the root directory?
Nice, good find Jordan!
Yeah, I never knew about that until literally 30 minutes ago when someone else on another thread linked to a different tutorial on that site. Weird...
Jesus Christ I love you, that's just great!
Whats the ga_report_id? is that the UA-00000000-0 number?
No clue (I've never done this myself). Try it out and see if it works -- if not, try contacting the author of the blog pos.
Ahh just got it, its in the url, urrm nothings coming up yet :s