Overriding the Outdated Foundation GridFramework
Hi, i'm working on a project using Foundation 6 XYGrid, but the built in grid framework in Concrete5.8 use the old float. I looked around and can't get it to see my override, what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
path is: application/src/Concrete/Page/Theme/GridFramework/Type/Foundation.php
and using the following details in the file, I expected it to just replace the core one.
Thanks in advance.
path is: application/src/Concrete/Page/Theme/GridFramework/Type/Foundation.php
and using the following details in the file, I expected it to just replace the core one.
namespace Application\Concrete\Page\Theme\GridFramework\Type; use Concrete\Core\Page\Theme\GridFramework\GridFramework; class Foundation extends GridFramework {