Overwrite CLI
Permalinki was wondering if there is another way to "fake" a CLI install of concrete.
i copied /controllers/install.php and changed line 317 to:
if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && !defined("CLI")) {
because i want to install concrete from another site using ajax.
when i change this line it works fine.
but if i could force concrete to the cli mode in my instalation script then we woudn't need a costumized version of the concrete script to install it.
canceling the redirect on line 318 in the same file would be fine to. that's the only line that needs to be skiped.
Yours sincerely,
Laurence Mommers
to it. But when apache executes that script the concrete core
redirects after it has generated the setup file because php_sapi isn't
equals to 'cli'
works for me :)
progress to the user. I hav an script dat does this all i have to do
is write the progress to session.