Page Attributes Don't Appear to be Saving

I guess the title just about says it all. When clicking on Edit->Page Properties and then changing the Page Name or any attributes nothing appears to change.

On that note, does anyone know where the code for saving that form is so I can maybe try to step through it. I know it is generated by /concrete/elements/collection_metadata.php but I'm not sure where the actual processing takes place.

I have cleared the cache and deleted all files in files/cache with no luck.

cal8eb8 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Are you pressing save before cancel, or cancel without clicking save first? If that does not work, have you tried editing it from the dashboard? And maybe ( I'm not sure what you're doing exactly) if you are going to a different tab that is making the problem.
mkly replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey @cal8eb8,
Thanks for the input. It actually ended up pretty wacky stuff going on related to addons going sideways etc. Probably pretty fringe-y type stuff. But it's working now. Looks like you just got here a couple weeks ago. Welcome to the family. Have some welcome karma since I should close this thing.

If any poor soul stumbles over here and wants to know where collection_metadata.php does it's magic to step through, it's in /startup/process.php around line 1002
} else if ($_POST['update_metadata']) {