Page Forbidden not displaying correctly
So, when I edit/view the Page Forbidden page in the dashboard > single pages, everything looks the way I want it to but when I am on the live site and I hit a page with permissions set, I only see the unstyled form fields and related pieces, none of my styles or other content blocks. I have tried refreshing the page in the single pages tab as well as disabling the cache for the site and dumping the cache.
Any ideas what I am missing or how to solve this?
Any ideas what I am missing or how to solve this?

Same issue here. Any fix?
I ended up just duplicating the Page Forbidden page from the default concrete folder and put it in the single pages folder in my root directory to override it.
Not working for me.
Thanks all the same, though.
Thanks all the same, though.
Hmmmm, try putting the duplicate into your theme directory and see if that works.
No go... That's not working either... I've posted at length on the forums with examples of my issue, perhaps someone will find a solution.
Thanks again!
Thanks again!