Page Is Under Development

Hello, I have just started working on a site, and i have a basic layout and setup built from the admin/edit area. When i try and go to the site just by typing in the URL in my browser, i get a "Page is Under Development" page.

My page is at (concrete is installed,... although i have place a redirect (i think i did it right) from I am not sure if i am going about that in the right way or not, any help would be appreciated!

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You haven't mention how you have set the redirect. Anyway you can do this easily by going to your hosting panel. If you need assistance, you can ask your hosting provider.

Anyway regarding the "Page is under Development", I think there is a index.html page exists into the root and it contains this text. You can check that out there. If you set the redirect properly, it won't be a problem.

WildCD replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick reply Rony! I investigated the redirect from my host end (i was looking from the concrete5 end) and it is working now! appreciate the help!