Page List Block Manual Parameters
Hey guys,
I’m trying to make a page with some blocks embedded which can’t be edited or moved by users. I have got the search and autonav set up fine, however I need some help with the page_list block. I am trying to make a news feed panel.
I have changed the view to simply:
Which is just the page_list view not including the RSS conditions. How can I change the fetch parameters of $cArray to be of the “News” page type only?
I’m trying to make a page with some blocks embedded which can’t be edited or moved by users. I have got the search and autonav set up fine, however I need some help with the page_list block. I am trying to make a news feed panel.
I have changed the view to simply:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $textHelper = Loader::helper("text"); if (count($cArray) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($cArray); $i++ ) { $cobj = $cArray[$i]; $title = $cobj->getCollectionName(); echo "<h3 class=\"news-title\"><a href=\"",$nh->getLinkToCollection($cobj),"\">",$title,"</a></h3> <div class=\"news-description\">",$textHelper->shorten($cobj->getCollectionDescription(),$controller->truncateChars),"</div>"; } } if ($paginate && $num>0 && is_object($pl)) { $pl->displayPaging(); } ?>
Which is just the page_list view not including the RSS conditions. How can I change the fetch parameters of $cArray to be of the “News” page type only?
Thanks Scott,
I will have a look at doing it that way, I had a feeling that the $cArray was specific and I would need to make a new array with req'd parameters.
I appreciate that c5 prides itself on editability, and that is why I am learning it, and will be providing solutions to my customers using it in the future, but is there any development in the area of EASILY including blocks in the theme templates?
I will have a look at doing it that way, I had a feeling that the $cArray was specific and I would need to make a new array with req'd parameters.
I appreciate that c5 prides itself on editability, and that is why I am learning it, and will be providing solutions to my customers using it in the future, but is there any development in the area of EASILY including blocks in the theme templates?
I have been looking through as much as I can think of trying to find the "parameters" relating to this block, but they seem to be scattered throughout the 100 tables... Has anyone done this before and have any working code for something similar?
Would you be able to accomplish what you want by using advanced site permissions and global blocks?
Sorry for the late reply, and thank you for yours. As far as I can see and know, there is no global blocks feature in c5, and if there was, yes, it would solve my problem.
would adding the list block to your page_type defaults by editing it in the backend suffice?
If by backend you mean hardcoding, then yes.
After looking around some more, I might try some of the following:
Thanks for your help. It seems a very common problem of no easy way to add blocks to the whole site. Maybe if there was a global blocks area which you give a name and can put what ever blocks you want into, and then that area is uneditable except from the admin page, and add the block to your templates via the name you gave? Maybe it's a mod I need to make!
After looking around some more, I might try some of the following:
Thanks for your help. It seems a very common problem of no easy way to add blocks to the whole site. Maybe if there was a global blocks area which you give a name and can put what ever blocks you want into, and then that area is uneditable except from the admin page, and add the block to your templates via the name you gave? Maybe it's a mod I need to make!
In your code example the cArray is an araray of pages objects which are populated in the controller and passed to the block view, so editing here is kind of moot, either you bring it all to the view(bad idea) or you hardcode in the block via passing in the correct associative array of values.