Page List highlighted current page

Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to have the current page highlighted in a page list block, the way that an auto-nav block will have a nav-path-selected class added to the current page's link?

- Sherri

ronyDdeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
Hi Sherri
I'm attaching a modified page_list block template as a zip. It will highlight the current page as like autonav. You just need to download the zip and extract it into the ROOT/blocks directory. Then add a page_list into a page and choose custom template. Then select Ronyd Pagelist from the drop down. That's it.

sherri333 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rony,

Thank you SO much for sending this custom block template! It was very helpful. I truly appreciate your help and also am impressed with the Concrete5 community.

- Sherri