Page List Page / Description - characters displaying as html code: "&" and "’s"

In my Page List, the Page Descriptions come in with special characters not translating from the html entitites code. Ampersands appear as "&" and and quotes appear as "’s" ... Any idea how to fix this?

I did see A bug tracker on this for Concrete but I am using ... so, Jordan Lev's solution didn't work for me since apparently the file he's talking about is completely different from mine.

zoinks replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Figured it out ... line 20 of Page List view.php had this line:

$description = $th->entities($description);

which changes html entities back into code, apparenty. Not sure why that would be desirable, but I commented it out and that solved the problem. 4 hours gone, but I learned something.
PatrickHenry replied on at Permalink Reply
I ran into this too. I fixed it by adding:

wrap around all page titles that autonavs (Jordan Lev's version) were spitting out.
That fixes it. I'll let Jordan know too.